So many of you have prayed for our 11 year old Madison who had unexpected surgery on April 8 and we wanted to thank you all. We were truly blessed by messages, prayers and provisions. As you can imagine this was a difficult and at times scary circumstance but, it was amazing to see God us this in each of our lives to deepen our faith and trust in him. It was an incredible picture of community as we saw believers lifting her up all over the world and the local body of Christ reaching out to meet our felt needs. She is recovering better than we could have ever imagined and actually played in a soccer tournament on May 8th and 9th. Thanks again to all of you who helped us through this time.
As we enter into May we are finishing up with the girls in school and have a few things coming up. We are currently at 36% of our support and have some exciting opportunities coming up. June 7th-10th we are the missions focus for VBS at our home church Oak Mtn. Presbyterian. We are also speaking at The Church at Bradford Road in Springville, Al. on June 9th.
Next Saturday Oak Mountain's summer team will be heading to Yakama for a week to work on the rez. We are excited for them and can't wait to hear stories of our future home when they return. Please be in prayer for the teams safety as they travel and serve on the rez and for the hearts of the Yakama people to be impacted by the Gospel being presented. Also continue praying for the SRM staff as they transition into this very exciting and busy time of year for them.
Some of our current prayer requests:
- We would reach our 50% support goal for Bill to be able to cut back to part time work and focus more of his time on support raising
- For our children during this transitional time in our lives. That they would be excited about what God has planned for them.
- Preparing to sell our home