Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:8

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

 A Few Words From Chris

Hey Everyone!
          I hope all of you are off to a good start this new year. I think we are. I wanted to use this update to focus on one of the new families who have joined our team in recent months. The Yarbrough family (pictured on the right) moved to the reservation in September. I went to college with Bill and Tina (20+ years ago) and then we wound up going to the same church (Oak Mountain PCA in Birmingham, AL) after we were all married and had children. Our older girls all started school together and we had some joint birthday parties, etc. 
          Bill and Tina were very interested in our calling to come to the reservation from the beginning (in 2003) and came on the first summer team we ever hosted! Over the next few years they began to realize that the Lord was calling them to join our team full time. They then "ran the gauntlet" of the application process with our board, a week of on the field cross cultural life/evaluation, three weeks of cross cultural ministry training at Mission Training International, and raising support (which was very tough in the "current economic climate"). The process from start to finish took about three years, but the Yarbroughs persevered and made it out! They recently bought a small home here in the community, moved in, and have gotten settled. The whole family fits right in with the rest of the team and the community is excited to have them. 
           Bill will be our "worksite coordinator" which means he will organize, oversee, and direct the one week teams (who come from all over the country) as they roof, paint, repair, and clean up homes (and do a variety of other odd jobs) for elderly folks, single moms, and low income families in the community. Bill will purchase and organize tools and materials for up to 70 workers (about 50 from various churches, 5 summer interns, and up to 15 teenagers from the community) on up to 8 worksites (homes) per week! Last summer we roofed four homes a week and did some painting as well! Something we have seen consistently is that if you "love an Indian person in this community as if they were family" (a concept which we believe is very biblical) then they love you right back and want to know why you love them in the first place! That is the perfect opportunity to tell them about Jesus. We usually say something like, "Yes, I want to do my best to treat you like family, but that's not the real story! The real story is that Jesus wants to adopt you into His family! He loved you so much that he left his home and did the work that had to be done for all of us to be saved. We simply have to trust him to save us now." As you can imagine, many wonderful conversations and relationships have developed standing in various front yards and driveways! Some of the 34 people who got baptized last summer were folks we met while working on their homes.
          Bill will also mentor and disciple teenagers from our youth group (about 50 kids now!) by taking them with him as he works with the spring and summer teams and throughout the rest of the year too. Two or three times a month, in the fall and winter, Bill will organize smaller projects, pick up two or three youth, go buy supplies, gather tools, and do handyman type jobs on the homes of elders, single moms, and low income families. I get so excited when I imagine this! Most of the youth Bill will mentor and disciple do not have fathers in their life. Bill will truly be "equipping the saints for ministry" by spending quality time with these future leaders of the church, Hope Fellowship, and actively serving the needy in the community at the same time! You can imagine that in a few years these same youth will be ready to go out on their own and use the skills they learned from Bill to serve their own community in very practical ways AND train younger believers to do the same!
          Bill will also drive the ministry bus, helping to transport 70+ children, youth, and adults to Sunday Worship Service and other church activities. We provide transportation for 75-80% of the folks that come to church because many adults don't have reliable transportation. Bill will also oversee and coordinate maintenance and upkeep of the ministry vehicles, tools, and equipment.
          Finally, Bill and his family will be active members of our church here on the reservation. They will sing, pray, learn, teach, play, comfort, eat, work, laugh, cry, and celebrate with Hope Fellowship. They will listen to stories of the elders, laugh and play with the youth, hold babies, love on children, and pray for and serve all ages. What a blessing the Yarbroughs will be in a community that so desperately needs to see healthy families, healthy marriages, healthy relationships between parents and children, and "father figures".
          In the process of coming to the reservation the Yarbroughs had a couple of unhappy surprises. First, when they were literally loaded up and leaving Alabama they were informed that Tina's employer (she works part time as an on-call nurse with Children's Hospital) called and said they could not provide health insurance for the family as they had previously committed to do! The second surprise came when the Yarbroughs had to almost double the down payment on their home here on the reservation. Now the situation is such that they need to raise $2500 in monthly support over the next three months to get back on track financially. 
          Will you please pray regularly for this family. The ministry and this community need them here very much and they want to be here too. Please pray that the Lord would provide the resources they need to stay and do what they are called to do. Please also pray about joining their financial support team if you are not already supporting one of the Sacred Road team members.
          I fully expect the Lord to do amazing things for this family and in this community over the next three months. We'll keep you updated on what He does! Thank you for your love, prayers, and generous gifts. We could not be here and do what we do without you.

In Him and for His Kingdom!

Rev. Chris Granberry

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Happy New Year!

 1Sam. 13:14 - "...the LORD has sought a man after his own heart....."  

    As we begin a new year and and I look back at our first few months here I am humbled by how God continues to show me His love and character through those I have come to share his love with. One experience that stands out in my mind most recently was on Tuesday night. It was a pretty regular start to Tuesday Night Bible Study for this time of year. I was in my usual spot, corralling the kids as they came into the Longhouse from the vans and headed to the back tables for coloring and games before dinner. Though it happens each week, I was still surprised as Joshua (one of our 7 yr old boys from Totus Park) gave me his usual greeting by leaping from one of the benches onto my back with an excited "HEY!" At dinner, in between eating like there is no tomorrow (mostly because there may not be a decent meal tomorrow), he couldn't stop looking for every opportunity to serve me! After dinner he promptly claimed his spot on my lap and grabbed my arms and wrapped them around him tightly as we prepared to sing praises to the Lord. As he heard mention of the birth of Christ he quickly proceeded to give me, as Paul Harvey put it so well, "the rest of the story". As he recalled a visual lesson from Thanksgiving using pumpkins he proclaims, "Yeah, then he grew up and died on the cross and then rose from the dead so he could take all of our yucky stuff away!"
      As the Granberrys have returned and we prepare for the first official Sunday Worship Service with Hope Fellowship (our church plant) on Easter Sunday, Chris has begun to challenge us to consider the life of David, and what it looks like to be a man or woman (and church) after God's own heart. It seems somewhat ironic that I find part of this answer in a child. I hope you will join me this year as I ask the Lord daily to make me a man after His own heart no matter what it takes. As this thought may be overwhelming, may we take comfort in the finished work of Christ and his promise to complete the good work begun in us.

2 Cor 9:8-9  
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. As it is written,

              "He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor;
                 his righteousness endures forever."   

Joshua (center) with some of his family